Ths is the last post I do on this blog! I've made a new one!
See you there!

Ezio Auditore Da Firenze

Peeeeeooople! In this post I want to talk about this guy. Maybe you (especially the boys of the class) know about him, because is a character that appears in a videogames saga: Assassin’s Creed COR, and more specifically, in the second and third part. And why do I know this assassin that goes for Italy killing people? And why do I know that without having the Play Station 3? Because my boyfriend has got it, and sometimes when I went to his house he was playing and…

I played too.

Although is a game for + 18, the plot of the history is excellent: Ezio Auditore lives in Florencia, where he is taking a good life. One day his family is betrayed, and since this moment, he takes the work of his father: be a murderer. After a training with his uncle Mario, in Monteriggioni, he starts the revenge against all the people guilty of the betray of his family (which caused the death of his father and his two brothers). As the game progresses, Ezio will understand why his father was an Assassin, and what his work on Italy was.

Apart form the story, I devote this entry to Ezio because I think is very, very, very sexy, cute, and uah…He fights against all his enemies with his own style COR On the photo you can see Ezio, don't you think like me? It’s true that we can’t see all his face but… I like mystery :D

About the game… it’s important to say that because of its success, as I said before, there are some books, manuscripts, cards, and a serial, and the most important thing… this 15th of November will be the last part of the game: Assassin’s Creed Revelations, where, finally, the truth will be known!

Self-evaluation :$

Lourdes says that this term oral presentations have been a disaster! Well, I don't think it so...I think that this term I have made a good rehearsal, the oral presentation have been more large. I remember Lourdes' words: Your oral presentation is too short, you will be penalized! So now I have made a larger powerpoint and a larger exposition. Problems? A lot...

First of all, I get very nervous when Quim was late... "What a mess!" I thought; And then he told me: Clara...I don't know anything...WHAT!? GOD, I have been working a lot for this oral and you had promised me to study...And then I thought: It is my destiny, my orals will never be good...But I had been studing, and I wanted to show it, and I made all I can...But I felt so nervous...And it was my fail...
Now I have understood HOW have I to make an oral presentation: long, easy, not boring, alone, and without nervous!! So next year, and now IT'S TRUE (I HOPE IT SO), I will make...


(Here was the video, Lourdes help me with it, please, make me happy :))

Challenge accepted!

Fly me to the moon...

"About one in 10 rocky planets around stars like our Sun may host a moon proportionally as large as Earth's, researchers say"

Oh! What a notice! Another moon like the Moon! You have to be a little bit creative to imaginate another moon like our Moon, because, according to this notice, if there is another planet hosting a moon with the same proportions of Earth's, there will be another planet that will be hospitable to life!
But, stop, wait a moment, and think it over.
What would you do, I there was a planet like the Earth? Would you go there? How? And could other people like you go there too? And if in that planet was a different type of life? Would you conquer it?

Sometimes I've thought that maybe there is another Clara like me, not physically like me, but a person who thinks like me. We are 6.000 millions of people on the world! Why not another Clara? And now, if you imagine this, can you imagine another Clara in other planet? Uoooooo!!!
Well...another Clara maybe is too much difficult, but I think that it is possible to find another planet like Earth.

But please, don't be silly, first, try to understand our world and what is happening to it, and then, you can think to go further.


Some things about me...

Sometimes I can be so difficult to understand...Maybe for all these facts. I don't know why but:

-When I get off the car, I have to open the door totally. If I don't have enough space to open it, I get angry.

-When I sit down in class, I always cross my legs. I want to avoid it, because I will have some problems with my blood's circulation if I sit on this way.

-I love different types of sound like pieces of glass crashing, or when I bring a glass of sparkling water closer to my ear, and I can hear some bubbles exploding. Pop, plop, pop...

-I love to see the colors of a new cash of crayons. It seems that you cou
ld eat them; and I love to collect blue things, but not any blue, MY BLUE ♥

- I like bright things, I love them. When I see something shining, I' ve to stop and stare it for a long time :D

-I love the snails, I'm always catching and watching them...

-When I hear a louder sound, I've to scream, I don't know. I think that I do it because the louder sounds bother me.

-I HATE when somebody wakes me up! ALWAYS! If you don't want to die, don't wake me up :)

Maybe you have your little details, don't you?
these little things make my life more bright and special :D

And, anyway, I don't want to change

A final reflection

I've found this questionary in 1st Batxillerat Space, and I want to do it.

-Observing your SPACE, can you see an improvement on your level of English since September 2010? Where, for example?
I can see some things that I've learnt this year: phrasal verbs, conditionals, new vocabulary...These thing are now in my blog, so I' ve improved a lot. When I started the blog, I used to use short sentences, and now I can use a lot of adverbs and new contractions, for example.

-Which activity best shows your level of English? I think that blog and oral exams are the best to show our level of English.

-Which activities were really Useful for you to improve your English? Why?I think that all the activities help you to improve your English. But you can be more autonomous with your blog and, of course, speaking. Another activity were the books I' ve read, they were in original English, so I've learnt a lot with them.

-Which activities did you not find useful to learn English? Why not? I can't find anything useless!

-Which activities did you enjoy doing and would like to do again next year? I want to read more stories in original English. I've learnt a lot of vocabulary :D And in my opinion, we should talk more in English between us. Not to make more oral exposition, because one talk while the rest listens, and that's all. We need to talk about a topic we've chosen, make questions,... It's only an opinion! Don't judge me

I won't forget this year

Catalonia today

Hi! I have founded an article about the Escola d' Hosteleria in Girona, for a close up on Catalan cuisine. One of the plates that they make is a dessert: peach pie!

They explain you the steps you have to follow to make the pie, and a little description:
"The dessert is a colorfull peach pie. Shortcrust pastry lines the dish. A raw frangipane sauce forms the filling. After a few minutes in the oven, it is covered with carefully arranged thinly sliced peaches.
( And blablabla...They think that they are talking with Ferran Adrià, or someone else like him. Please!! It's only a PEACH PIE! A pie with peach!
But if they explain me how it is like this, I can learn more vocabulary, it's the only advantage I see on it. So, continue: )
It seems that Catalonia is placing on providing quality training in the catering insutry is a good way to guarantee that the success of its cuisine is long-lasting. The next generation of catalan chefs is guaranted."

I don't want to be a c
hef. Certainly, the last fried egg I cooked, was a disaster... So I prefer not to cook... ;)
Is true that I love Catalonia's food, botifarres, canelons, mongetes blanques, fesols...There are a lot of plates that I like, but they don't have to be a Bulli's dish, I prefer un bon pà amb tomàquet :D
When I was little, I saw "The triplets", and there was a song I remember: fesolets. Sometimes I still singing it. It's so cute!

Sorry, I want to come back to the beggining of this post: the peach pie: I don't like peaches, so If I had to make a pie, I would change peaches for apples. Lupe, Èric's mother, is always making this type of desserts, and I love her apple pie...
In my opinion, peaches are too much sweet!!

The secret ingredient is the love :D

We have almost learnt to respect our world

Nowadays we have a lot of facts that can affect aou environment, but if you think it over, who has produced all these facts? We know that a lot of these facts are related more and more to Mankind: pollution, waste, chemicals,...But can we change our mind? Is it possible to fight against the consequences of our acts?

We have evoluted. Now we are more clever. Mainly we should use our intelligence to act more responsibly. But, in my opinion, if we are don't use our abilities to do it, our intellingence is not important.
Nowadays we think that we can spend our money, because we have everything we need. And it is true, we are very lucky and we don't have to worry about any
thing. But we are very selfish!
Perhaps we can change our mind. I REALLY HOPE SO. We need to change our mind if we want to stay here
for a l o n g t i m e . . .

We must learn that money is not the most important thing in this world.
But now, not tomorrow.

Tomorrow could be too late...