And you have to read the book if you want to know how does it end.
I love this book, because you can smell everything that the autor writes on the book, cause he writes very well.
Everybody criticizes Grenouille, because he kills only for the fragances, and that's a little bit inusual...jajjaa But I like him, because - is VERY cute - he's diferent and very clever. Sometimes the best people is mad!
I've seen the film after read the book, and it's fantastic! It follows very well the book, and sometimes it copies som
e sentences of the book. And the actor who makes the character of Grenouille is so cute *.*, Ben Whishaw! ILOVHIMILOVEHIMILOVEHIM♥
Anyway, I have to read it another time, because I've fallen in love with Grenouille :D:D
Yes, I fall in love with every charachters of my books, for example Tirant lo Blanc!
Here is the Trailer of the film!
I also read this book long time ago when I was a teenager and I loved it, I still like it a lot, better than the film , as usual !!