Self-evaluation :$

Lourdes says that this term oral presentations have been a disaster! Well, I don't think it so...I think that this term I have made a good rehearsal, the oral presentation have been more large. I remember Lourdes' words: Your oral presentation is too short, you will be penalized! So now I have made a larger powerpoint and a larger exposition. Problems? A lot...

First of all, I get very nervous when Quim was late... "What a mess!" I thought; And then he told me: Clara...I don't know anything...WHAT!? GOD, I have been working a lot for this oral and you had promised me to study...And then I thought: It is my destiny, my orals will never be good...But I had been studing, and I wanted to show it, and I made all I can...But I felt so nervous...And it was my fail...
Now I have understood HOW have I to make an oral presentation: long, easy, not boring, alone, and without nervous!! So next year, and now IT'S TRUE (I HOPE IT SO), I will make...


(Here was the video, Lourdes help me with it, please, make me happy :))

Challenge accepted!

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