Fly me to the moon...

"About one in 10 rocky planets around stars like our Sun may host a moon proportionally as large as Earth's, researchers say"

Oh! What a notice! Another moon like the Moon! You have to be a little bit creative to imaginate another moon like our Moon, because, according to this notice, if there is another planet hosting a moon with the same proportions of Earth's, there will be another planet that will be hospitable to life!
But, stop, wait a moment, and think it over.
What would you do, I there was a planet like the Earth? Would you go there? How? And could other people like you go there too? And if in that planet was a different type of life? Would you conquer it?

Sometimes I've thought that maybe there is another Clara like me, not physically like me, but a person who thinks like me. We are 6.000 millions of people on the world! Why not another Clara? And now, if you imagine this, can you imagine another Clara in other planet? Uoooooo!!!
Well...another Clara maybe is too much difficult, but I think that it is possible to find another planet like Earth.

But please, don't be silly, first, try to understand our world and what is happening to it, and then, you can think to go further.


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