We have almost learnt to respect our world

Nowadays we have a lot of facts that can affect aou environment, but if you think it over, who has produced all these facts? We know that a lot of these facts are related more and more to Mankind: pollution, waste, chemicals,...But can we change our mind? Is it possible to fight against the consequences of our acts?

We have evoluted. Now we are more clever. Mainly we should use our intelligence to act more responsibly. But, in my opinion, if we are don't use our abilities to do it, our intellingence is not important.
Nowadays we think that we can spend our money, because we have everything we need. And it is true, we are very lucky and we don't have to worry about any
thing. But we are very selfish!
Perhaps we can change our mind. I REALLY HOPE SO. We need to change our mind if we want to stay here
for a l o n g t i m e . . .

We must learn that money is not the most important thing in this world.
But now, not tomorrow.

Tomorrow could be too late...

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